Friday, May 14, 2010

Tired, Yet

I am so tired today. I have put myself once more into over load.  I am taking more credits than I should because I want to get done.  I am stressed about school, work, and Dallin.  I feel like I have way to much on my plate but  I don't know what to take off the plate. I feel like all the things I am dealing with are what I should be doing but man I just want to say "It's hard".  I can't complain to much because well what good is it going to do me.  It will not get me any further in life.  So what good is it to complain about it.  I just have to deal with it and find an answer to the problems. 

Last night I did not sleep well.  Man was I ever tired but I could not get comfortable and I felt so lonely in my bed.  I missed Dayna so much this week.  I just wanted him here with me as I started the road with Dallin and his heart condition.  Not having him here to lean on was hard.  It was hard to have to deal with this without my better half.  It made me see that God has more faith in me than I have in myself sometimes.  Yet, as I sat there thinking I saw that if I could not do it I would not be asked to. So with the help of my faith and my Savior even this new trial I can do.  It doesn't mean it will be easy but I know that I have the ability to do it.  That in the end all will me made whole.  That whole might not be in this life but in the one to come but it will happen.

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