Sundays are my days. I get to fill up my well on Sundays. I feel so lucky to have such a great church and ward. They are like apart of my family. Their prayers in my behave are just amazing. I feel so loved and blessed. I wish everyone I knew could experience this also. I know some think that my beliefs are a bit out there. That is alright though. I know what I know and will hold that truth forever. For some they will spend their lives searching for something that they are missing and still never find it. My faith is my rock behind who I am. Thank you God for all you do for me.
Today was a different day at church. I got to spend time with Dallin's church class (sunbeams). I learned that my son is not as bad in primary as I am lead to believe. He is just like some of the other boys in his class and even in older classes. It is hard for him to sit still but I am learning that, that too will pass. He tries very hard to do what is right and want to please others. He also loves to be loved. He can tell when others really don't truly love him but are just doing it for show. He response to those who show him true Godly love better than anything else. I am so very blessed to have him as my son. Thank you. :)
i love you terri and dallin!!