Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Others faith in me

I am learning that other people see more in me than I see in myself at times. So many people think that I am a better person than I think of myself. Which I am beginning to see that this is often normal for so many other people. To think that you are less than you really are. We tend to forget how important we are in this life. I am being remind how important I am to so many people other than my family. This lately has help my self-esteem and self worth. It is so easy to forget who we are. That we matter to others more than even we could know. I feel so blessed.

Today was a hard day day for me. I struggled being a mom today. All I wanted was a break from my sons busy, busy behavior. I felt so grateful that he was in bed and asleep by 745 p.m. Its a small blessing but for me today it was huge. Sometimes simple days are the hardest for me. The days when I feel the most lonely. The days when I wish more than anything that I was not doing this without a spouse. Today my wish was just to have someone to cuddle up next to and breath with. Having that important other to hold me and say "I love you, I am here for you." I cried today just cause I missed those moments with Dayna. With anyone really. I am learning the importance or marriage and relationships even though I am not in one. Isn't that strange that you can learn and grow in a relationship even though your not technically in one. So today's gift was a little man going to bed on time, giving me a much needed time alone. HUGS to you all.

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