Saturday, October 24, 2009

My gift of service

Sorry I have been putting this blog on the back burner lately. I have had many things going on throughout my head and not knowing what I should say out of it all. I have many blessing in my life but I am still so much like everyone else in this world. I have had difficult times. This last week has been hard on me as I try to find myself in a few different situations. I have been learning that I need to learn in this life. Even though sometimes I want to go left even though God wants me to go right. Yet, in the end I make enough turns in the process that I end up going right just like God wanted for me in the first time. It is just hard sometimes to let God have control and not try so hard to have it. I know he has what is best for me but I have a hard time letting go. I am so scared to get hurt that I can't even at time let him have control, even though I know that, that is what is right and best for me. As I am going through my master's program I am learning more about me sometimes then I am about how to help others. Learning and growing I am becoming the person in the end that I am meant to be. Losing Dayna has been the hardest thing I have even gone through. I miss having my best friend with me at night. Have the person who so completely loved me that no matter what I did or how I acted he accepted it and me, and still loved me. I feel so honored to of gotten to spend those wonderful 4 years with him that I did. I am grateful for my marriage, my son, and for my loving husband. How some people can take for granite the wonderful blessings, and gifts that are in their lives. So many of them can't even see the wonderful blessings that they have be given. Some others think that the grass is green on the other side. Not know what they have in their lives is greater than they even knew. My greatest thing was taken away from and I miss it more than I can ever express. For those who still have their wonderful spouses. Tell them you love them, and need them. Work at your marriage and try to find a way to make it work. You have something that I wish more than anything I ever still had. So tonight I am going to give the gift of a home cooked meal to a friend. My friend is having a hard time in his life. One of the wishes he has expressed is that he wishes he could have a home cooked meal. I promised him weeks ago that I would fix him a meal and I never did. So today I am going to share my one of my talents with a friend who needs to know that others are thinking of him and care. Besides I never know how to cook for just Dallin and me and since Summer has moved away from me I have to share my roast meal with someone. Have a wonderful Sunday tomorrow my friends. I plan too.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

life is interesting

Life can be crazy at times. Not knowing which way is up or down. If you should go left or right. This is hard for me right now. For the past few years I have known which way to go without even really having to think about it. Yet, now I want to go so many different directions for so many different reasons. None of these reason are really grounded in a sane thought. So I stay very independent, should I try to move closer to family, where should I be looking for a job? If only all these questions came with a good and fast answer. My new thought is that I can't get my answers yet because it is not the right time for me to know. There are still things that need to happen first before I can take that next step towards anything. Then again I could just be joking myself and just not wanting to move out of my comfort zone. Comfort sometimes is a hard thing to move away from. It like I know what I want but I am to scared to go and get it sometimes. Then there is a huge piece of me that wants it all. To have all my wishes and dreams all at once and not have to give up anything. If I have to give up something that I want what am I willing to give up? What do I think I want or need that I really don't. Then this leads me to the question what do I really truly want.

The truth is I want to find another who will love me fully, faults and all. Who is as just what I need in my life. I do have a hard time being a single mother. My wish for my son is that one day another man will come into our lives. I mean I know his daddy is here and with us but its not the same. My son deserves a father here on earth, and brothers and sisters. I want more than what I have. The question is does God want this for me? The one thing that I know is what right feels like. Right now things don't feel right for me but I don't know quite what is right or the right way to go. I feel like I am a log just floating in the river not going anywhere. I could just be waiting for the current to take me to where I need to go. Yet, I am not good at just waiting for things to happen to me. I like to more go out, find them, and make them happen. I am curious as to what the next year will bring to me. Today's gift is that I know know what is in store but I am trusting in God and just living on faith.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Today I am thankful for moments with my mom. She is so loving and giving to Dallin and I. I feel so blessed to be her daughter. I know at time we have hard times. Were two different people but in the end all that matters is that we love each other. Its strange that losing Dayna has also helped my relationship with my mom. This experience is new and different for her as well as for me. Yet, once more I have a strange new blessing from something horrible. How crazy is that? Don't you think that is funny? I mean that something so yucky can still have such a great blessing hidden in it. Maybe its just how I am looking at things. Trying to see the good in it and not the bad. I am sure I could find the bad but I don't want to. I want to see the blessings that I have because of it.

Mom, thank you. I know its not easy for you. I know that you struggle with having to see me struggle. Yet, I am glad that you get to be apart of my growth and seeing me become this new and amazing person. You bring me strength and comfort to my soul. I know were both not perfect but I know that we both try just a little bit harder now to just love and let the little things go. I love you mom.

Others faith in me

I am learning that other people see more in me than I see in myself at times. So many people think that I am a better person than I think of myself. Which I am beginning to see that this is often normal for so many other people. To think that you are less than you really are. We tend to forget how important we are in this life. I am being remind how important I am to so many people other than my family. This lately has help my self-esteem and self worth. It is so easy to forget who we are. That we matter to others more than even we could know. I feel so blessed.

Today was a hard day day for me. I struggled being a mom today. All I wanted was a break from my sons busy, busy behavior. I felt so grateful that he was in bed and asleep by 745 p.m. Its a small blessing but for me today it was huge. Sometimes simple days are the hardest for me. The days when I feel the most lonely. The days when I wish more than anything that I was not doing this without a spouse. Today my wish was just to have someone to cuddle up next to and breath with. Having that important other to hold me and say "I love you, I am here for you." I cried today just cause I missed those moments with Dayna. With anyone really. I am learning the importance or marriage and relationships even though I am not in one. Isn't that strange that you can learn and grow in a relationship even though your not technically in one. So today's gift was a little man going to bed on time, giving me a much needed time alone. HUGS to you all.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Sundays are my days. I get to fill up my well on Sundays. I feel so lucky to have such a great church and ward. They are like apart of my family. Their prayers in my behave are just amazing. I feel so loved and blessed. I wish everyone I knew could experience this also. I know some think that my beliefs are a bit out there. That is alright though. I know what I know and will hold that truth forever. For some they will spend their lives searching for something that they are missing and still never find it. My faith is my rock behind who I am. Thank you God for all you do for me.

Today was a different day at church. I got to spend time with Dallin's church class (sunbeams). I learned that my son is not as bad in primary as I am lead to believe. He is just like some of the other boys in his class and even in older classes. It is hard for him to sit still but I am learning that, that too will pass. He tries very hard to do what is right and want to please others. He also loves to be loved. He can tell when others really don't truly love him but are just doing it for show. He response to those who show him true Godly love better than anything else. I am so very blessed to have him as my son. Thank you. :)

Saturday, October 10, 2009


I love facebook. I know I shouldn't love something so not human but what can I say I do. I have found so many of my long lost friends. My newest bunch is some of my old friends from when I lived in Grace, Idaho. It is nice to check up on others and see how they are doing. To know that you are remembered by others from such a long time ago. It reminds me a bit of what it is going to be like once we die. All those people who you haven't seen or talked with in such a long time who are once more apart of your life. It gets me excited to go back to the other side. To bad I have to wait for like forever until I am with those on the other side once more. Well that is how it feels to me sometimes. Yet, time is going faster for me lately. I can't believe it has almost been 3 years since Dayna died. Dallin will be 4 the first of December. He just keeps growing up and getting older on me.

Back to friends. I am so grateful to find old friends and to once more build the friendships back up. I thought that I was lost and forgotten about. It's nice to have people to talk to. It is also nice to have people who understand your pain and who you can talk with. Sometimes being lonely is hard on me. I am thankful for my friends that make this not so hard for me. That talk and share with me. It really does help me out. So today's gift is Facebook. Facebook gives me ways to stay connected and keep friendships building and growing. Its funny that I find facebook as one of my little blessings but the truth is that I do. Thanks to all my facebook friends. Nights :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

great gifts

Today I went to my first parent/teacher meeting for Dallin in Preschool. They love having him there. They say he is a joy and they are grateful to get to work with him. The teacher says he is very smart and loves so much to learn. He still having issues with attention span and impulsive. So we will continue to work with him on this. He is loves going to Preschool (which is at daycare on Mondays) and his school (Wednesday and Fridays). He loves to ride the bus even though he tells me that the bus driver is "driving him nuts!" LOL what a great blessing he is to me and all those who know him.

My great gift is him and those who now work with him at daycare as well as preschool. They are helping me to raise my son to become a wonderful man one day. His passion for learning is so wonderful to watch. I just love his joy for live, loving, and learning. I have his energy, spunk, and joy. I have a very happy boy who I feel so very blessed to have in my life. He is a living memory of Dayna so much for me. This also I am grateful. That a piece of Dayna is still living and loves me just like his dad does. Sometimes it is easy to forget about simple blessings. That a child can be a wonderful gift to parents. Some parents take this for granted. They think that parenting is a chore not a labor of love. Even in the little moments with him are a treasure to have in my life. To get this little man to be a part of my forever family. It truly is a wonderful blessing that I feel blessed to share.

I just lastly want to say thank you to all the wonderful people in Dallin's and my life. I feel so overwhelmed with gratitude for those who pray for us. Who help us in our lives to keep moving. To not forget who we are and where we are going in life. Those that love us unconditionally no matter what choices we make in our lives. Thank you for all your love and support to me and my son. Have a great life and remember to live it just live it well.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Memories are good :>)

I have been thinking about Dayna a lot lately. I realized that there still has not been a single day that I don't think about him. I keep thinking one day I just won't do it but that still hasn't happened, and you know what that is alright. I am learning that even though others do agree with it. For me this is all good and I am grateful to have my memories of him and that even though he is not here, he is still a part of my life. Today on the way to the doctor Dallin asked where daddy was. I told him in heaven and then we started to talk about daddy and heaven. He says that he misses his daddy. I am not sure how he remembers him but he knows who he is even though he was only 1 year old. He still remembers him and I am so grateful to that also.

Its the memories that keep me moving forward some days. Each memory is a wonderful blessing. Those are my memories that I shared with Dayna. The time that we spent building and working on our relationship and forever family. My religion is my back bone to who I am and where I want to end up. It is what has help guild me in times of need. When I miss Dayna the most I turn to God and I get relief from my suffering. I know I am loved and that God blesses and watches over Dallin and I. Thank you all my dear friends for all you do for me.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Turn them them into little moments :)

Today was a wonderful day. Cold but wonderful. We went to Hee Haw farms with Summer and her family. What a great and wonderful way to make new and lasting memories. Each year that we go, we have so much fun. What a great way to get grand pictures of Dallin being Dallin. He had so much fun just running around playing. He got very, very messy but still had a blast doing it. I learned today to make my moments with him Little Ones. It was each hug, kiss, hand hold, thank-you, game, and activity we did together. Each one I turned into a little moment with him. Each those moments with him to the fullest.

I want to die knowing that I don't have regrets. That I spent quality time with him each and every chance I had. Even turning those tears, and screaming times into little moments. One day even the temper fits that he has I am going to miss and want back. These are the days when I know that Dayna is looking down on us and smiling. Even sometimes he gets to come down and join in with us. Listening to the little moments that we are making together as a family.

I feel so blessed to have gotten to be with Dayna for those short 4 years. I am so blessed to have such wonderful and happy memories with him and as a family. I cherish those times. Looking back on them with love and gratitude in my heart. I can't wait for us to be together once more as a loving, happy, eternal family. What a cherished blessing that I am seal to Dayna, and Dallin for FOREVER:)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Something New :)

I am not sure if anyone but me will get anything out of this Blog. I am o.k. with that. I want to do this and feel that I should. So like everything else that I do with my life when I feel that I should do something this strongly then I follow through.

So why is this Blog going to be so worth the time and effort? Well for me I am beginning to learn that I have things that I need to express daily so that I will not forget them. As I express them I how that they not only continue to move me but to move others also. My wish for those of you who read my Blog is that you might learn and grow with me. That through my life experiences you might come to better understand God, life, trials, blessings, friendship, family, love, and me.

Each day I plan to look at something that I need to learn from or improve on and always closing with a expression of my blessings in my life. I am not perfect in my choices but I do know that I am able to always learn, grow, and change myself.

For tonight I wish to give thanks to my family. My parents are such loving and devoted people. They pray for each of their children and through these prayers I have personally been blessed. Thank you Mom and Dad (papa). My brothers and sisters each have such wonderful gifts and abilities. They each have taught me great and wonderful things in the last few years since Dayna has died. Thank you each of you. My greatest gift is my dear son Dallin Russell Moser. He brings more joy to my life than I thought I could experience without Dayna being here. Dallin has given me the gift of true love and healing. I love him more than I ever understood was possible. Thank you my dear little man :)

Have a wonderful night and my you all remember to tell those you love that you love them. Life can change so fast. Try to live your life so that you might not have regrets to live with. Have a goodnight.