Sunday, February 21, 2010

Today has been a day of thought and ponder.  I had the wonderful chance to talk with my bishop today.  He is such a amazing man who listens and gives wonderful advice.  His words of comfort always are just what I need to hear. I am blessed to have this wonderful man be my bishop.  My other thoughts are about trials, struggles, faith, endurance, and often just listening to the lord speak to me.  I don't have all the answers to the questions in my life but I know I can find them and that God is the one who gives them unto me.  Sometimes the answer is "not now little one but have faith all is well" and I am watching over you".  I am learning that for me I often want it right now and not have to wait. So what does the Lord do?  He gives me a chance in life where the thing I must do is be patient and wait on his time.  So many times its not that it won't be its just not to be right now.  God loves me and I know he blesses me.  I also know that sometimes you can make choices and you have to deal with the stress and consequences of those choices and that they sometimes make what you want harder to receive.

I have wonderful friends and family in my life.  Each person brings wonderful blessings into my life.  God has blessed me lately with having a friend from the past who currently is a blessing my life and through this friendship I am learning, growing, and being tested.  Yet, this persons friendship has brought me so much joy and peace in my life.  I have also been blessed with more friends and people in our lives because of one person.  Those close to me say they see such positive changes in me. They see me growing and developing into such a strong and better person.  So to this one friend I can never tell you thank you enough for being the person who brings out better things in who I am and helping me to become such a better and stronger person. Thank you, you might think you don't bring me happiness but in truth you bring more to my life than you can ever know.

All I have is gratitude to my Savior for blessing me, changeling me, and being my Savior.  He's love for me is so amazing.  His atonement is the greatest blessing he has ever given me.  I know that my Savior lives and loves me.  I do not doubt this one bit. I wish for all my friends is that they can have the strength they need to make it through their trials and to be able to know what I know to be true in my heart. Love you all.

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